Twickenham Riverside compulsory purchase order
In order to deliver a comprehensive and cohesive regeneration of Twickenham Riverside, the Council had to make a Compulsory purchase order (CPO). A CPO inquiry was held from 6 to 27 June 2023. Watch recordings of the live stream
Current situation
On Tuesday 14 November 2023 the Compulsory Purchase Order was confirmed by the Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State and on the same date the Secretary of State issued the Section 19 Certificate.
On Thursday 14 December 2023 the Council first published notice of the confirmation of the Compulsory Purchase Order and grant of the Section 19 The confirmation notices, Modified Order Schedule and Map and the Section 19 Certificate can be found below:
We have now started the vesting process (on Tuesday 21 May 2024). View the sealed and dated General Vesting Declaration 1.
Main CPO documents
Statement of Reasons (pdf, 984 KB)
Documents referred to the Statement of Reasons
Decisions made by the acquiring authority:
- Report to the acquiring authority’s Leader of the Council (15 November 2018) (pdf, 569 KB)
- Report to the acquiring authority’s Finance, Policy and Resources Committee - 20 February 2020 (pdf, 2.8 MB)
- Minutes of the acquiring authority’s Finance, Policy and Resources Committee - 20 February 2020 (pdf, 172 KB)
- Report to the acquiring authority’s Finance, Policy and Resources Committee - 16 November 2020 (pdf, 459 KB)
- Minutes of the acquiring authority’s Finance, Policy and Resources Committee - 16 November 2020 (pdf, 174 KB)
- Report to the acquiring authority’s Finance, Policy and Resources Committee - 28 June 2021 (pdf, 1.7 MB) (CPO report)
- Report to the acquiring authority’s Finance, Policy and Resources Committee - 28 June 2021 (pdf, 145 KB) (Update on the project)
- Minutes of the acquiring authority’s Finance, Policy and Resources Committee - 28 June 2021 (pdf, 249 KB)
- Report to the acquiring authority’s Finance, Policy and Resources Committee - Appendix A - 20 September 2021 (pdf, 272 KB)
- Report to the acquiring authority’s Finance, Policy and Resources Committee - Appendix B - 20 September 2021 (pdf, 577 KB)
- Report to the acquiring authority’s Finance, Policy and Resources Committee - Appendix C- 20 September 2021 (pdf, 448 KB)
Planning policy documents:
- National Planning Policy Framework (as of 23 September 2021) (pdf, 552 KB)
- London Plan 2021
- London Plan Housing SPG March 2016 (pdf, 3.7 MB)
- London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Local Plan (adopted in July 2018 and March 2020) (pdf, 5.7 MB)
- Twickenham Area Action Plan 2013 (pdf, 3.1 MB)
- London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Local Economic Assessment (October 2010) (pdf, 4.3 MB)
- London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2021 to 2026 (pdf, 7.3 MB)
- London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Cycling Strategy 2016 – 2026 (10 October 2017) (pdf, 2.9 MB)
- LBRuT Active Travel Strategy (pdf, 6.0 MB)
- London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (March 2014) (pdf, 721 KB)
- London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Refuse and Recycling Storage Requirements Supplementary Planning Document (April 2015) (pdf, 134 KB)
- London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Sustainable Construction Checklist Guidance Document (June 2020) (pdf, 493 KB)
- London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Transport Supplementary Planning Document (June 2020) (pdf, 865 KB)
- London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (June 2020) (pdf, 4.0 MB)
Planning application 21/2758/FUL documents:
During the planning process there have been a number of additional or superseded documents. View the latest planning documents.
- Cover letter enclosing application (pdf, 371 KB)
- Planning Application Form (pdf, 2.1 MB)
- Planning Statement (pdf, 5.0 MB)
- Design and Access Statement
- Design and Access Statement - Part 1 (pdf, 8.9 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 2 (pdf, 9.3 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 3 (pdf, 9.4 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 4 (pdf, 9.4 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 5 (pdf, 8.0 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 6 (pdf, 9.1 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 7 (pdf, 8.5 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 8 (pdf, 9.1 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 9 (pdf, 8.1 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 10 (pdf, 9.7 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 11 (pdf, 9.2 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 12 (pdf, 8.7 MB)
- Design and Access Statement - Part 13 (pdf, 6.2 MB)
- Delivery and Servicing Plan (pdf, 2.6 MB)
- Affordable Housing Statement (pdf, 814 KB)
- Impact on Neighbouring Properties Report
- Internal Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Report (pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Air Quality Assessment (pdf, 2.2 MB)
- Ecological Enhancement Statement (pdf, 7.9 MB)
- Ecological Impact Assessment
- Energy Statement (pdf, 5.6 MB)
- Flood Risk Assessment and SuDS Report (pdf, 11.7 MB)
- Environmental and Logistics Management Plan
- Framework Estate Management Strategy (pdf, 1.5 MB)
- Health Impact Assessment (pdf, 2.3 MB)
- Heritage, Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment
- Landscape and Public Realm Strategy
- LZC Feasibility (pdf, 4.3 MB)
- Noise Assessment (pdf, 3.6 MB)
- Statement of Community Involvement (pdf, 2.4 MB)
- Transport Assessment
- Travel Plan (pdf, 2.7 MB)
- BREEAM Pre-Assessment Planning Summary – Office (pdf, 2.8 MB)
- BREEAM Pre-Assessment Planning Summary – Retail (pdf, 2.8 MB)
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment (pdf, 2.7 MB)
- Drawings Register (pdf, 274 KB)
- Demolition Plan (pdf, 351 KB)
- Existing Site Elevations - Old Lido and Café Sunshine (pdf, 239 KB)
- Existing Site Elevations – King Street (pdf, 247 KB)
- Existing Basement Floor GA Plan (pdf, 175 KB)
- Existing First Floor GA Plan (pdf, 315 KB)
- Existing Ground Floor GA Plan (pdf, 540 KB)
- Existing Site Plan (pdf, 387 KB)
- Existing Site Sections Water Lane and Embankment (pdf, 482 KB)
- Existing Site Sections Wharf Lane and Diamond Jubilee Gardens (pdf, 452 KB)
- Proposed First Floor GA Plan (pdf, 463 KB)
- Proposed Fourth Floor GA Plan (pdf, 342 KB)
- Proposed Ground Floor GA Plan - CO2 (pdf, 374 KB)
- Proposed Lower Ground Floor GA Plan (pdf, 172 KB)
- Proposed Second Floor GA Plan (pdf, 468 KB)
- Proposed Site Sections Water Lane and Embankment (pdf, 661 KB)
- Proposed Site Sections Wharf Lane and Diamond Jubilee Gardens (pdf, 534 KB)
- Proposed Third Floor GA Plan (pdf, 418 KB)
- Proposed Roof GA Plan (pdf, 329 KB)
- Water Lane Building Long Elevations (pdf, 503 KB)
- Water Lane Building – First Floor GA Plan (pdf, 245 KB)
- Water Lane Building – Ground Floor GA Plan (pdf, 137 KB)
- Water Lane Building Short Elevations (pdf, 448 KB)
- Proposed Site Sections Water Lane with overlay of existing (pdf, 265 KB)
- Water Lane Building – Roof GA Plan (pdf, 83 KB)
- Water Lane Building – Second Floor GA Plan (pdf, 179 KB)
- Water Lane Building – Third Floor GA Plan (pdf, 146 KB)
- Water Lane Building Typical Bay (pdf, 354 KB)
- Wharf Lane Building Long Elevations (pdf, 511 KB)
- Wharf Lane Building – First Floor GA Plan (pdf, 289 KB)
- Wharf Lane Building – Fourth Floor GA Plan (pdf, 105 KB)
- Wharf Lane Building – Ground Floor GA Plan (pdf, 208 KB)
- Wharf Lane Building Typical Bays (pdf, 404 KB)
- Wharf Lane Building – Lower Ground Floor GA Plan (pdf, 124 KB)
- Wharf Lane Building Short Elevations (pdf, 478 KB)
- Wharf Lane Building – Roof GA Plan (pdf, 82 KB)
- Wharf Lane Building – Second Floor GA Plan (pdf, 171 KB)
- Proposed Site Sections – Wharf Lane (pdf, 243 KB)
- Wharf Lane Building – Third Floor GA Plan (pdf, 160 KB)
- Wharf Lane Building Gastro Pub/Restaurant Typical Bay (pdf, 244 KB)
- Proposed Ground Floor GA Plan - C01 (pdf, 372 KB)
- General Arrangement Plan (pdf, 1.1 MB)
Other documents:
Up to: Twickenham Redevelopment
Updated: 30 May 2024
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